73rd SIF National Congress

73rd SIF National Congress

The Italian Society of Physiology

The Italian Society of Physiology

Pisa | Italy 6-8 September 2023

Pisa | Italy • 6-8 September 2023


  • 12:00-19:00



    Council of Physiology Professors [Aula Magna Nuova]


    Young Physiologists meeting [Aula Magna Storica]


    Opening Ceremony [Aula Magna Nuova]


    Opening Lecture [Aula Magna Nuova]

    Vittorio Porciatti (Miami, FL, USA)
    The eloquent retinal ganglion cells


    Welcome cocktail

  • 8:30-9:50

    Parallel Symposia

    Symposium • New insights into the neuronal and molecular underpinnings of memory [Aula Magna Nuova]

    Chair: Nicola Origlia (Pisa, Italy)

    Robbert Havekes (Groningen, The Netherlands)
    Restoring access to ‘hidden’ memories in the sleep-deprived brain

    Nicola Origlia (Pisa, Italy)
    A trace of episodic-like memory in the mouse lateral entorhinal cortex

    Bianca Silva (Milan, Italy)
    Brain circuits for memory update

    Paola Tognini (Pisa, Italy)
    Metabolic factors regulating neural plasticity: possible implications for memory function

    Symposium • On the meaning of being part of a School [Aula Magna Storica]

    Chair: Guido Ferretti (Brescia, Italy)

    Pietro Enrico di Prampero (Udine, Italy)
    Metabolic power in accelerated running: the 100 m dash

    Giuseppe Miserocchi (Milan, Italy)
    Respiratory mechanics and the air-blood barrier

    Guido Ferretti (Brescia, Italy)
    Climbing Mount Everest without supplementary oxygen

    Paola Zamparo (Verona, Italy)
    Humans are not made for moving in water

    Symposium • Taste and olfaction: emerging roles in health and disease [Aula 4]

    Chairs: Giorgia Sollai and Melania Melis (Cagliari, Italy)

    Giorgia Sollai (Cagliari, Italy)
    The voltage-gated potassium channels Kv1.3: their role in olfaction and metabolism

    Melania Melis (Cagliari, Italy)
    Taste receptors: where everything begins

    Caterina Dinnella (Florence, Italy)
    Individual differences in taste responsiveness affect food preferences and behaviour

    Maik Behrens (Munich, Germany)
    Recent advances in bitter receptors research


    Parallel Oral Communications

    Oral Communications: Neurobiology and Neurophysiology 1 [Aula Magna Nuova]

    Chair: Rosa Serio (Palermo, Italy)

    Elena Bossi (Varese, Italy)
    Betaine modulates GABA transporter GAT1 activity

    Michael Di Palma (Ancona, Italy)
    Lipopolysaccharide augments microglial GABA uptake by increasing GABA transporter-1 trafficking and bestrophin-1 expression

    Roberto Piacentini (Rome, Italy)
    Effects of α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor deletion on glutamate release from hippocampal neurons

    Roberto Colangeli (Ancona, Italy)
    A novel form of endocannabinoid-mediated plasticity of tonic GABA inhibition

    Elisa Greggio (Padua, Italy)
    LRRK2 regulates dendritic spine dynamics through interaction with postsynaptic actin cytoskeleton

    Ingrid Reverte (Rome, Italy)
    Role of microglia on synaptic plasticity mechanisms during cocaine withdrawal

    Roberta De Zio (Bari, Italy)
    Profiling human Neural Stem Cells (hNCS): ion currents as indicators of hNCS staminality

    Oral Communications: Cell Physiology 1 [Aula Magna Storica]

    Chair: Andrea Gerbino (Bari, Italy)

    Manuela Cipolletti (Rome, Italy)
    Implication of the metabolic protein GART in modulating E2-ERα signaling and cell proliferation

    Rosa Cardone (Bari, Italy)
    The extracellular matrix composition collaborates with Na+/H+ exchanger (NHE1)-driven pHi/pHe dynamics to regulate the development of pancreatic ductal branching morphogenesis

    Carla Perego (Milan, Italy)
    Linking LRRK2 signaling to glucose homeostasis

    Angela Ferrulli (Bari, Italy)
    Role of the Vasopressin-AQP2 pathway in secondary Nephrogenic Diabetis Insipidus associated with Cystinosis

    Arin Marchesi (Ancona, Italy)
    Structural heterogeneity of the TMEM16F channel

    Pasquale Bianco (Florence, Italy)
    Membrane–cytoskeleton mechanics of neurons carrying β- and γ-actin mutations leading to non-muscle Actinopathies

    Federico Alessandro Ruffinatti (Turin, Italy)
    Open Science tools for transportome investigation

    Oral Communications: Metabolism, Nutrition and Systems Physiology 1 [Aula 4]

    Chair: Anna Maria Aloisi (Siena, Italy)

    Emiliana Piscitiello (Bologna, Italy)
    Transcriptomic profiling of skeletal muscle adaptations to synthetic torpor

    Timna Hitrec (Bologna, Italy)
    Natural and synthetic torpor do not slow the clock in mice

    Fabiano Cimmino (Naples, Italy)
    The effects of endocannabinoidome lipid mediator oleoylethanolamide on body composition, mitochondrial bioenergetics and gut microbiome: its potential role in obesity treatment

    Martina Parente (Rome, Italy)
    The role of BET proteins as modulators of lysosomal cholesterol accumulation in Niemann-Pick patients

    Federica Pessina (Siena, Italy)
    Effects of phyto-estrogens and 17β-estradiol on rat urinary bladder contractility

    Alessandro Leone (Milan, Italy)
    Association between excess body weight, metabolic alterations and impaired glomerular filtration rate

    Marianna Ranieri (Bari, Italy)
    Adaptation of renal function in microgravity


    Coffee Break


    pH Lecture [Aula Magna Nuova]

    Giovanni Cecchi (Florence, Italy)
    Tartini’s third tone, coclear distorsion and violin combination tones


    Lunch and Poster Session


    Parallel Symposia

    Symposium • Heart and vessels as functionally and metabolically flexible stress responders [Aula Magna Nuova]

    Chair: Rosario Amato (Pisa, Italy)

    Jean-Luc Balligand (Louvain, Belgium)
    Beta-3 adrenergic protection from adverse remodeling by tweaking cardiac metabolism

    Rosario Amato (Pisa, Italy)
    Adaptive angiogenesis in the response to hypoxia: a potential role of beta3-adrenergic receptor in retinal vessel proliferation

    Antonella Naldini (Siena, Italy)
    Targeting hypoxia signaling pathways in angiogenesis: state-of-the-art

    Fabio Anastasio Recchia (Pisa, Italy)
    Do energy substrates influence cardiac function? Recent answers to an old question

    Symposium • Genetically encoded tools for the study of neuronal physiology [Aula Magna Storica]

    Chair: Cristian Ripoli (Rome, Italy)

    Marco Mainardi (Padua, Italy)
    Searching for the synaptic targets of enhanced plasticity in response to environmental enrichment

    Cristian Ripoli (Rome, Italy)
    Engineering memory with a new genetically encoded controllable LIMK1

    Onur Dagliyan (Stockholm, Sweden)
    Extrinsic disorder to control synaptic protein activities in space and time

    Gaia Colasante (Milan, Italy)
    Exploiting genetic tools to modify neuronal activity and treat epileptic disorders

    Symposium • From sensory and emotional information to actions: the role of sensorimotor integration in monkeys and humans [Aula 4]

    Chair: Francesca Ginatempo (Sassari, Italy)

    Francesco Edoardo Vaccari (Bologna, Italy)
    Sensori-motor integration in posterior parietal cortex

    Alessandro Botta (Genoa, Italy)
    Early sensorimotor modulation during emotional processing

    Sara Borgomaneri (Bologna, Italy)
    Temporal dynamics of motor cortex excitability during perception of emotional stimuli

    Francesca Ginatempo (Sassari, Italy)
    Face emotional expressions: from perceptive to face primary motor cortex


    Coffee Break


    Parallel Oral Communications

    Oral Communications: Cell Physiology 2 [Aula Magna Nuova]

    Chair: Davide Cervia (Viterbo, Italy)

    Elisabetta Catalani (Viterbo, Italy)
    An antioxidant approach targeting conserved mechanisms with a key role in muscle and neuronal damages

    Federica Coppola (Siena, Italy)
    Impact of the autophagy-related protein sequestosome-1/p62 in dendritic cell adaptation to hypoxia

    Simona D’Aprile (Catania, Italy)
    Metabolic reprogramming via purine metabolism intermediates sensitizes glioma cells to temozolomide

    Anas Munir (Lecce, Italy)
    Exploring the anti-aggregation potential of insulin in reversal of neurodegenerative proteinopathies using bioengineered in vitro beta cell spheroids

    Filippo Acconcia (Rome, Italy)
    The estrogen receptor α L370 residue control 17β-estradiol signaling to cell proliferation

    Marco Fiocchetti (Rome, Italy)
    Neuroprotective effects of intracellular and extracellular neuroglobin under endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress

    Alessio Canovai (Pisa, Italy)
    Modulation of bioenergetic balance in retinal ganglion cells by pyrroloquinoline quinone: insights for a novel neuroprotective approach

    Oral Communications: Neurobiology and Neurophysiology 2 [Aula Magna Storica]

    Chair: Alessandro Silvani (Bologna, Italy)

    Serena Losacco (Genoa, Italy)
    Characterization of the spontaneous activity of engineered brain network coupled to Micro-Electrode Arrays

    Teresa Soda (Pavia, Italy)
    A realistic multi-compartmental model of cerebellar basket cells predicts intrinsic and synaptic properties

    Maria Rosaria Tropea (Catania, Italy)
    Amyloid-beta peptide is needed for cyclic nucleotide-mediated enhancement of synaptic plasticity and memory

    Cristina Limatola (Rome, Italy)
    Meningeal immune cells tune anxiety and memory in mice via interferon-γ and acetylcholine

    Francesco Pisani (Bari, Italy)
    Tunneling nanotubes between human neural stem cells and their potential role in the repairing process of ischemic neurons

    Simona Francia (Genoa, Italy)
    Restoring vision by conjugated polymer nanoparticles in models of retinal degeneration

    Stefano Di Marco (Genoa, Italy)
    Ziapin-2 restores physiological responses to light in rd10 and RCS blind animals

    Oral Communications: Physiology of Motor Systems and Exercise [Aula 4]

    Chair: Guido Ferretti (Brescia, Italy)

    Bert Blaauw (Padua, Italy)
    The role of Akt-mTORC1 signaling in regulating muscle mass and function

    Lucrezia Zuccarelli (Udine, Italy)
    Sensitivity of mitochondrial respiration to submaximal [ADP]: a new approach based upon different mitochondrial populations

    Monica Dentice (Naples, Italy)
    The mitochondrial enzyme GPT2 regulates anaplerotic fluxes influencing the muscle homeostasis and the muscle wasting upon denervation

    Marta Borrelli (Milan, Italy)
    Cardiorespiratory and metabolic responses to sinusoidal exercise around critical power: energy balance and fatigue

    Edoardo Lecce (Rome, Italy)
    Motor control and cross-education: motor unit recruitment and rate coding strategies in trained and untrained limbs

    Andrea Manca (Sassari, Italy)
    Listening to in-ear music alters spatial-temporal parameters of indoor and outdoor running: a gender-based, randomized controlled trial

    Vittore Verratti (Chieti, Italy)
    Male reproductive physiology at high altitude: impairment of fertility and disruption of the redox balance


    Herlitzka Lecture [Aula Magna Nuova]

    Michela Matteoli (Milan, Italy)
    How the immune system affects the synapse

  • 8:30-9:50

    Parallel Symposia

    Symposium • Integrative regulation of visual cortical plasticity [Aula Magna Nuova]

    Chairs: José Fernando Maya-Vetencourt (Pisa, Italy), Patrizia Fattori (Bologna, Italy)

    Lutgarde Arckens (Louvain, Belgium)
    Astrocytes as regulators of neural plasticity in adult visual cortex upon sensory loss

    Tommaso Pizzorusso (Pisa, Italy)
    A brain-wide study of perineuronal nets and parvalbuminergic cells

    José Fernando Maya-Vetencourt (Pisa, Italy)
    The transcriptional repressor REST regulates plasticity of visual cortex circuitries

    Patrizia Fattori (Bologna, Italy)
    Integrative visual functions tuned for action in posterior parietal cortex

    Symposium • The multifaceted functions of nutrition in system physiology [Aula Magna Storica]

    Chair: Ilenia Casini (Siena, Italy)

    Pedro Mena (Parma, Italy)
    Personalised and precision nutrition: a time for (poly)phenols

    Giuditta Pagliai (Florence, Italy)
    The effects of diet on rheumatic diseases

    Sofia Passaponti (Siena, Italy)
    Pregnancy and nutrition: physiological adjustments

    Danilo Bondi (Chieti, Italy)
    Nutrition, sarcopenia and oxi-inflammaging

    Symposium • The interplay between sensory and cognitive functions [Aula 4]

    Chairs: Caterina Michetti (Genoa, Italy), Fabiola Paciello (Rome, Italy)

    Giuseppe Di Cesare (Parma, Italy)
    How the brain shapes the way we act

    Leena Williams (Edinburgh, United Kingdom)
    Impact of repetitive sensory simulation upon cortical neuronal circuit function

    Caterina Michetti (Genoa, Italy)
    Dysregulation of sensory cortical and hippocampal connectivity in a mouse model of neurodevelopmental disorders

    Fabiola Paciello (Rome, Italy)
    The cognitive ear: unveiling the link between hearing loss and cognitive decline


    Parallel Oral Communications

    Oral Communications: Neurobiology and Neurophysiology 3 [Aula Magna Nuova]

    Chair: Paola Binda (Pisa, Italy)

    Antonio Falace (Genoa, Italy)
    Filamin-A regulates neuronal maturation by modulating RAC1 activity in the developing cortex

    Maria Concetta Miniaci (Naples, Italy)
    Maternal separation and cerebellum: a study of psychological and neuronal vulnerability to early life stress

    Miriam Acquafredda (Pisa, Italy)
    Short-term monocular deprivation in adult humans alters pulvino-cortical functional connectivity measured with resting-state fMRI at ultra-high field

    Mara Fabri (Ancona, Italy)
    Interhemispheric functional connectivity in split-brain patients: evidence from resting state fMRI

    Roberta Lizio (Rome, Italy)
    Two weeks of a computerized cognitive training may affect cortical neural synchronization mechanisms generating electroencephalographic rhythms in quiet vigilance in patients with cognitive deficits due to Parkinson's disease

    Giacomo Ranieri (Pisa, Italy)
    Oscillatory echoes from recent experience contain information about serial bias in a face-gender discrimination task

    Alessandro Silvani (Bologna, Italy)
    Sleep alterations in a mouse model of Morvan syndrome with anti-CASPR2 antibodies: preliminary results

    Oral Communications: Cell Physiology 3 [Aula Magna Storica]

    Chair: Pasquale Pagliaro (Turin, Italy)

    David Molla (Milan, Italy)
    In vitro studies of the NaV1.5 S805L Brugada mutation: the resting cell voltage is a critical element in determining the pathological or physiological phenotype of the current

    Marcella Rocchetti (Milan, Italy)
    Stress-induced premature senescence in hiPSC-derived cardiomyocytes recapitulates aging-induced cardiac remodelling

    Serena Canzolino (Milan, Italy)
    NOD-1 activation increases the spontaneous activity and the If current of murine sinoatrial node cells

    Alessandro Cospito (Milan, Italy)
    Striatin knockout out induces a gain of function of INa current in mESC-derived CMs

    Francesco Lodola (Milan, Italy)
    Shedding light on the pathophysiological role of the PLN-R14del mutation in a novel heterozygous mouse model of arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy

    Valentina Brunetti (Pavia, Italy)
    The Transient Receptor Potential Mucolipin-1 channel triggers global Ca2+ signals in the human cerebrovascular endothelial cell line hCMEC/D3

    Giorgia Scarpellino (Pavia, Italy)
    The removal of extracellular Na+ induces intracellular Ca2+ oscillations in human cerebral microvascular endothelial cells: emerging evidence for a Na+

    Oral Communications: Neurobiology and Neurophysiology 4 / Metabolism, Nutrition and Systems Physiology 2 [Aula 4]

    Chair: Monica Carmosino (Potenza, Italy)

    Barbara Barile (Bari, Italy)
    Quantifying dynamical responses of astrocytes in dense networks

    Giuseppe Aceto (Rome, Italy)
    GPR158 regulates intrinsic excitability of medium spiny neurons in the nucleus accumbens

    Marco Bisaglia (Padua, Italy)
    Investigating the crosstalk between mitochondrial signaling and autophagic-lysosomal pathway in neurodegeneration

    Rosalba Senese (Caserta, Italy)
    3,3’,5-Triiodothyronine (T3) and 3,5-Diiodothyronine (T2) administration preserve mitochondrial homeostasis in the Brown Adipose Tissue (BAT) of obese mice

    Maria Giulia Lionetto (Bari, Italy)
    Intracellular redox behavior of polyphenols singly and in mixtures

    Ciro Menale (Naples, Italy)
    Muscle-specific PGC-1α overexpression alters Lactate/Pyruvate ratio impacting on muscle-osteoblasts crosstalk

    Michele Maffia (Lecce, Italy)
    Blood metabolite profiling of Antarctic expedition members: an 1H NMR spectroscopy-based study


    Coffee Break


    Plenary Lecture [Aula Magna Nuova]

    Dora Angelaki (New York, NY, USA)
    Views on naturalistic tasks in neuroscience: flexible neural coding during visually guided navigation


    Lunch and Poster Session


    Ruzzier Lecture [Aula Magna Nuova]

    Bente Klarlund Pedersen (Copenhagen, Denmark)
    Exercise as medicine in a translational perspective: the role of myokines


    Coffee Break


    SIF Assembly [Aula Magna Nuova]


    Social dinner (Arsenali Repubblicani)

  • The two poster sessions are scheduled for Thursday, 7 September, and Friday, 8 September, from 12:30 to 15:00.

    Poster presenters are required to be available for discussion during their assigned session.

    When preparing your poster please remember that the poster's maximum size is 100 x 140 cm, width x height.

    Correct format... poster should be PORTRAIT    poster should NOT be LANDSCAPE Wrong format...

    Posters must be mounted on the day of the presentation only and removed after the session.

    • Poster Session 1 • 7 September • 12:30-15:00

      Cell Physiology

      P1.1 Cristiana Alberghina (Catania)
      Microglia promotes glioblastoma proliferation via heterocellular communication as off-target effects of radiotherapy

      P1.2 Ines Angelini (Bari)
      AQP7 as a promising biomarker for p-cresol-induced renal cell injury: beneficial effects of hydroxytyrosol (HT) and a polyphenolic enriched complex derived from olive-mill wastewater

      P1.3 Martina Arici (Milan)
      Recombinant hSERCA2a in yeast microsomes: a new tool for mechanistic studies on drug-induced SERCA2a stimulation

      P1.4 Stefania Bartoloni (Rome)
      Exploring the atypical function of MELK in regulating ERα levels and E2-induced cell proliferation in breast cancer cells

      P1.5 Gregorio Bonsignore (Alessandria)
      Platelet lysate-boosted wound repair in endothelial cells: the role of Ca2+ signalling

      P1.6 Serena Calamaio (San Donato Milanese)
      Exploring the impact of soluble LCs on cardiac function in induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes with a High-Density Multi-Electrode Array

      P1.7 Mariangela Centrone (Bari)
      Tamoxifen counteracts the lithium-induced necroptosis decrease in renal collecting duct cells

      P1.8 Giorgia Chinigò (Turin)
      Modulation of purinergic signaling in endothelial cells by tumor microenvironment

      P1.9 Anna De Bartolo (Arcavacata di Rende, CS)
      The redox-active motif of SELENOT mitigates isoproterenol-induced cardiomyocyte hypertrophy and improves cardiac function in spontaneously hypertensive heart failure (SHHF) rats

      P1.10 Giulia De Negri Atanasio (Genoa)
      Evaluation of physiological repeated exposure of aluminum in 3D intestinal tissue model  

      P1.11 Silvia Marracci (Pisa)
      Potential targets in glioblastoma multiforme: functional role of β3-adrenoceptors in human glioblastoma cells

      P1.12 Annarita Di Mise (Bari)
      Functional coupling of Calcium Sensing Receptor and Polycystin-2 in the primary cilium: physiological role and potential therapeutic target in renal ciliopathies

      P1.13 Lorenzo Dondero (Genoa)
      Beneficial effect of hydrolised marine collagen on physiology of skin models

      P1.14 Alessandro Falsini (Siena)
      Hedgehog pathway regulates CAXII activity in melanoma cells under hypoxia

      P1.15 Gianluca Fasciolo (Naples)
      Effects of aluminum exposure on the zebrafish gills

      P1.16 Anthony Frosio (San Donato Milanese)
      Amyloidogenic, but not non-amyloidogenic light chains, affect human induced pluripotent stem cells-derived cardiomyocytes action potential

      P1.17 Sabino Garra (Bari)
      Selective inhibition of AQP3 reduces the hydrogen peroxide uptake and the LPS-dependent redox signaling and cell migration of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs)

      P1.18 Alfonsina Gattuso (Arcavacata di Rende, CS)
      Cardiac effects of exposure to environmental hypoxia in the goldfish: hemodynamic performance and mitochondrial markers

      P1.19 Alessandra Gilardino (Turin)
      ROS release and Ca2+ signalling interplay in squaraine-induced phototoxicity

      P1.20 Magalì Giordano (Orbassano, TO)
      Novel NLRP3 inflammasome inhibitors reduce isoproterenol-induced hypertrophy in H9c2 cells

      P1.21 Maria Elena Giordano (Lecce)
      Effect of the exposure of A549 cells to model polyethylene terephthalate nanoplastics

      P1.22 Federica Impellitteri (Messina)
      Physiological and biochemical responses of Mytilus galloprovincialis exposed to antipsychotic drug chlorpromazine

      P1.23 Mihaela Jurdana (Izola, Slovenia)
      Effect of electrochemotherapy on C2C12 myogenesis in vitro

      P1.24 Debora Lo Furno (Catania)
      Beneficial effects of pericyte-like differentiated adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells on blood-retinal barrier preservation

      P1.25 Rosa Mancinelli (Chieti)
      Can exosomes from young muscle rejuvenate aged muscles?

      Metabolism, Nutrition and Systems Physiology

      P2.1 Amilcare Barca (Lecce)
      Assessment of the effects of carnosine-enriched diets on vertebrate intestinal physiology in adult zebrafish (Danio rerio)

      P2.2 Giuseppe Calamita (Bari)
      Adipose and hepatic aquaglyceroporins in energy balance disorders: roles and (dys)regulation

      P2.3 Rita Canella (Ferrara)
      The Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) program improves psychological and physiological indicators of stress

      P2.4 Federica Cioffi (Benevento)
      3,5-diiodo-L-thyronine, but not 3,5,3’-triiodo-L-thyronine, is capable of reversing inflammatory triggers activation associated with hypothyroidism

      P2.5 Marika Cordaro (Messina)
      Role of NLRP3/CASP/ASC inflammasome modulation on nerve degeneration and behavioral alteration in diabetic neuropathy

      P2.6 Arianna Cuomo (Caserta)
      Factors accumulating in male rat muscle in response to exercise during fasting: analytical and ongoing functional studies

      P2.7 Simona Del Quondam (Viterbo)
      Modeling of second-generation antipsycotic-induced metabolic alterations in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster

      P2.8 Gianmarco Del Vecchio (Lecce)
      Toxicological effects induced by short-term in vitro/in vivo exposure of perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) on the zebrafish (Danio rerio) animal model

      P2.9 Ilaria Demori (Genoa)
      Psychoneuroendocrinology of fibromyalgia: combined effects of stress and gonadal hormones on a neural thalamocortical loop model of central pain

      P2.10 Danila Di Majo (Palermo)
      Influence of nutritional supplementation with golden tomato juice on oxy-inflammation in a diet-induced rat model of metabolic syndrome

      P2.11 Andrea Foppiani (Milan)
      Fasting metabolic flexibility in prediabetes

      P2.12 Federica Geddo (Turin)
      S-allyl cysteine as a food-derived tool against metabolic syndrome: a study on C2C12 muscle cells

      P2.13 Anna Patrizia Gena (Bari)
      Ablation of Aquaporin-9 (AQP9) ameliorates the phenotype of a murine model of lysosomal acid lipase deficiency (Wolman disease)

      P2.14 Antonia Giacco (Benevento)
      Natural iodothyronines and Beclin-1 target mitochondria in liver of diet induced obese mice

      P2.15 Maria Granieri (Arcavacata di Rende, CS)
      Quercetin and its derivative, Q2, counteract palmitate-induced cardiac lipotoxicity by inhibiting oxidative stress and inflammation in cardiomyocytes

      P2.16 Elena Grossini (Novara)
      Plasma redox balance in advanced maternal age (AMA) pregnant women and modulation of umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells function by plasma treatment

      P2.17 Tadeja Jakus (Izola, Slovenia)
      Carbohydrate intake and ferritin level in young male elite cyclist

      P2.18 Simona Lobasso (Bari)
      SS-31 treatment of tafazzin-knockdown mice improves heart mitochondrial function by affecting inner membrane ultrastructure and restoring defective mitophagy

      P2.19 Martina Lucchesi (Pisa)
      The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of Acebuche oil exert a retinoprotective effect in a murine model of high-tension glaucoma

      Neurobiology and Neurophysiology

      P3.1 Natalia Abate (Naples)
      Impairment of synaptic translation machinery in ASD mice model: rescuing effect of serotonin receptor 7 stimulation

      P3.2 Sabrina Asteriti (Verona)
      Recombinant protein delivery enables modulation of the phototransduction cascade in mouse retina

      P3.3 Saviana Barbati (Rome)
      Intranasal delivery of mesenchymal stem cell‐derived exosomes promotes forelimb motor recovery in a photothrombotic mouse model

      P3.4 Stefano Bastianini (Bologna)
      Aging-related modification of sleep pattern in orexin-knockout narcoleptic mice

      P3.5 Fabio Benfenati (Genoa)
      A nanoactuator for neuronal optoporation

      P3.6 Chiara Berteotti (Bologna)
      Impact of perinatal exposure to Chlorpyriphos on hypnic and respiratory phenotype and on neuroinflammatory responses in mice

      P3.7 Barbara Bettegazzi (Milan)
      A gene therapy approach for focal epilepsy based on GABAA receptor overexpression

      P3.8 Daniele Bottai (Milan)
      The physiological characteristics of neural stem cells are changed by curcumin treatment or supplementation

      P3.9 Kashi Brunetti (Viterbo)
      Nutraceutical strategy to counteract Alzheimer's disease phenotype in an in vivo model of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster

      P3.10 Marta Cerina (Milan)
      Nicotinic receptors in cortical circuit development and sleep-related epilepsy

      P3.11 Valentina Cerrato (Orbassano, TO)
      Unveiling the diversity of cerebellar astrocytes: insights into their molecular identities, development and functions

      P3.12 Antonio Cibelli (Bari)
      Aquaporin-4 and Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid 4 balance during glial differentiation

      P3.13 Mayra Colardo (Pesche, IS)
      Modulation of BET proteins promotes neuronal differentiation by inducing autophagy

      P3.14 Elisabetta Conte (Milan)
      The effect of activating orexin receptor 2 (Ox2R) on spontaneous firing in dissociated dopaminergic (DA) neurons from the ventral tegmental area (VTA)

      P3.15 Marina Damato (Lecce)
      A specific matrisome composition drives a regeneration program in peripheral nerve repair

      P3.16 Marco De Gennaro (Lecce)
      Ab initio analysis of the physiological and/or pathophysiological interactions between carnosine and wild type transthyretin or mutated transthyretin causing rare familial amyloid polyneuropathy (TTR-FAP)

      P3.17 Maria Egle De Stefano (Rome)
      Sensorimotor peripheral innervation in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy: a spotlight on the sciatic nerve of dystrophic mdx mice

      P3.18 Simona Denaro (Catania)
      Sigma-1 receptor inhibition attenuates mechanical allodynia and central gliosis by regulating connexin 43-mediated intercellular communication during neuropathic pain

      P3.19 Franca Deriu (Sassari)
      Neurophysiological features of face primary motor cortex in oromandibular dystonia: a lesson of physiology

      P3.20 Alessandro Gaeta (Rome)
      GABAergic neurotransmission dysfunction in human epileptic Tuberous Sclerosis Complex

      P3.21 Michela Gamberini (Bologna)
      Functional, cytoarchitectonic and morphological patterns in the superior parietal lobule of human and non-human primates: a multidisciplinary approach

      P3.22 Giuditta Gambino (Palermo)
      Neuro-active effects of “golden” tomato consumption in a high-fat diet-fed rat model of metabolic syndrome

      P3.23 Stefano Garofalo (Rome)
      Natural Killer cells prime the synaptic pruning by microglia

      P3.24 Stefano Guglielmo (Pisa)
      Whole brain mapping of neuronal activation during the retrival Object-Place-Context memory

      P3.25 Lorenzo Guidotti (Pisa)
      NaHS protects against cisplatin-induced cytotoxicity in HEI-OC1 cells

      P3.26 Dominga Lapi (Pisa)
      Effects of Taurisolo or/and L-arginine on cerebral hypoperfusion-reperfusion injury in glucocorticoid-induced hypertensive rats

      P3.27 Nicola Loi (Sassari)
      Sensori-motor integration in cranio-cervical district depends on sensory afferents type and muscle functional role

      P3.28 Alessia Manca (Sassari)
      Simulated space gravity recapitulates Parkinson’s disease pathology in neural cell model

      Physiology of Motor Systems and Exercise

      P4.1 Ruben Allois (Turin)
      Effects of ischemic preconditioning on electrically-stimulated contractions

      P4.2 Alessia Caferro (Arcavacata di Rende, CS)
      The skeletal muscle of the goldfish Carassius auratus does not undergo oxidative stress under hypoxia

    • Poster Session 2 • 8 September • 12:30-15:00

      Cell Physiology

      P1.26 Giuliana Mannino (Messina)
      Neural-like differentiation of human adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells induced by a conditioned medium from neural progenitor cells

      P1.27 Alberto Marín Cortés (Siena)
      Bisphenol A and oxidative stress on placenta-brain axis

      P1.28 Ilaria Di Gregorio (Fisciano)
      Dose-dependent effects of EPA and DHA on hepatic lipid accumulation and cell viability in Hepg2 cells: focus on mitochondrial fusion/fission balance and comparison with dose-dependent effects of palmitate

      P1.29 Simona Martinotti (Alessandria)
      Corneal epithelial cell response boosted by platelet rich plasma derived from umbilical cord

      P1.30 Aurora Mazzei (Lecce)
      Analysis of insulin-dependent responses in human enterocyte-like monolayers challenged by inflammatory stimuli

      P1.31 Alberto Melecchi (Pisa)
      Thyroid hormone signaling is involved in retinal response to high glucose: a double-edged sword

      P1.32 Alessia Metallo (Milan)
      Intracellular Ca2+ dynamics modulation by istaroxime and its metabolite in pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells

      P1.33 Antonio Michelucci (Perugia)
      Large conductance Ca2+-activated K+ channels colocalize with mechanosensitive Piezo1 channels in human glioblastoma cells

      P1.34 Caterina Morabito (Chieti)
      Microgravity implications on oxidative status of 3D TCam-2 cell cultures

      P1.35 Debora Musarò (Lecce)
      Connecting the dots: copper dyshomeostasis, α-synuclein clearance, and autophagy dysfunction

      P1.36 Gaetana Napolitano (Naples)
      Long-term effects of palmitic acid on redox state and mitochondrial functionality in human adipocytes

      P1.37 Serena Nencini (Siena)
      Direct and placenta-mediated effect of Bisphenol A exposure on the oxidative status of human astrocytes

      P1.38 Luca Palloni (Milan)
      AMPK modulates HCN4 channels through direct phosphorylation of the serine 1157

      P1.39 Adriana Petito (Naples)
      Investigating the impact of red synthetic and natural food dyes on the redox state of Artemia salina nauplii

      P1.40 Giuseppe Petito (Caserta)
      Functional and dynamic features of liver mitochondria and mitophagy in CB1R KO mice

      P1.41 Francesca Rispo (Genoa)
      Effects of genistein and daidzein on 3D skin models

      P1.42 Maria Giovanna Rizzo (Messina)
      Osteogenic mimotopic peptides enhance cell proliferation and osteogenic differentiation of human fetal osteoblast cells

      P1.43 Carmine Rocca (Arcavacata di Rende, CS)
      Novel polymorphic variants of the human endogenous peptide Catestatin enhance the cardioprotective profile against cardiac hypertrophy

      P1.44 Ivana Romano (Catania)
      Scaffold-assisted adipose mesenchymal stem cell strategies for bone repair

      P1.45 Giulia Terribile (Monza)
      Neurovascular unit dysfunctions in the onset and progression of neurodegeneration

      P1.46 Francesca Truzzi (Bologna)
      Spermidine and Eugenol activate autophagy in intestinal cellular model

      P1.47 Marta Venturella (Siena)
      Hypoxic microenvironment in human melanoma modulates the composition of small extracellular vesicles

      P1.48 Daniele Vergara (Lecce)
      PKC activation regulates NDRG1 expression

      P1.49 Delia Verucci (Chieti)
      A molecular and proteomic approach to identify the physiological role of growth associated protein-43 in mice-derived cardiomyocytes

      P1.50 Nicola Zagaria (Bari)
      Aquaporin-9 (AQP9) plays a role in the early phase of the systemic inflammation of a murine model of endotoxic shock

      Metabolism, Nutrition and Systems Physiology

      P2.20 Maurizio Mandala' (Arcavacata di Rende, CS)
      Phenols from extra virgin olive oil induce dilation of pregnant rat uterine arteries by nitric oxide through calcium and potassium channels

      P2.21 Cristiana Marcozzi (Varese)
      From rat diaphragmatic lymphatic vessels to lymphatic endothelial cells (LECs)

      P2.22 Arianna Mazzoli (Naples)
      Western diet-induced obesity and associated metabolic alterations can be prevented by probiotic Limosilactobacillus reuteri DSM17938 administration

      P2.23 Vincenzo Migliaccio (Fisciano, SA)
      Comparison between high fat diet and environmental pollutants exposure in the induction of adaptive mechanisms in rat liver mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum

      P2.24 Claudio Molinari (Vercelli)
      Effects on cholesterol homeostasis of a mixture composed of ten natural extracts in an in vitro model

      P2.25 Maria Pina Mollica (Naples)
      Hepatocyte aquaporins AQP8 and AQP9 are engaged in the hepatic lipid and glucose metabolism modulating the inflammatory and redox state in milk-supplemented rats

      P2.26 Chiara Ottaviani (Varese)
      Dependence of the epicardial lymphatic function upon cardiac activity 

      P2.27 Giuliana Panico (Naples)
      Role of β-hydroxybutyrate in affecting Brown Adipose Tissue mitochondrial thermogenesis: a functional and proteomic study

      P2.28 Luca Pipicelli (Naples)
      Palmitic acid induces reactive oxygen species driving Nrf-2 antioxidant response in oligodendrocytes

      P2.29 Gregorio Polo (Lecce)
      Activity and physiological role of the enzyme carbonic anhydrase in the model organism Daphnia magna

      P2.30 Giulia Querio (Turin)
      Characterization of glucose transporters in human induced pluripotent stem cells-derived cardiomyocytes

      P2.31 Daniela Ratto (Pavia)
      Circular economy: the use of by-products Vitis vinifera and Vitis amurensis vine shots for obtaining antitumoral and antioxidant extracts

      P2.32 Chiara Rubeo (Orbassano, TO)
      Cold cardioplegic solution enriched with oxygenated nanocarriers to improve protection of explanted hearts

      P2.33 Eleonora Solari (Varese)
      Intraluminal lymphatic valves and lymph flow in rat diaphragmatic lymphatic vessels

      P2.34 Andrea Tognozzi (Pisa)
      The Impact of intermittent fasting on behavior and brain metabolism in a mouse model of diet induced obesity

      P2.35 Maria Chiara Valerii (Bologna)
      Effect of eugenol and β-caryophyllene, alone or in combination, in the modulation of neuroinflammation in vitro

      P2.36 Paola Venditti (Naples)
      Is oxidative stress per se involved in the induction of insulin resistance?

      P2.37 Maria Grazia Zizzo (Palermo)
      Tocolytic action and underlying mechanisms of Prangos ferulacea (L.) essential oil on rat uterus

      P2.38 Antonella Amato (Palermo)
      Aphanizomenon Flos Aquae (AFA) prevents metabolic dysfunctions in obese mice by reducing inflammation, oxidative stress and lipid metabolizing gene expression in liver and adipose tissue

      Neurobiology and Neurophysiology

      P3.29 Maria Marchese (Pisa)
      Insights on the role of lysosomal protein CLN5 in neurodegeneration, using zebrafish as tool

      P3.30 Gabriele Matteoli (Bologna)
      Alteration of respiratory muscles control and preBötzinger complex neural circuitry in mice lacking CDKL5

      P3.31 Andrea Mazzatenta (Chieti)
      Electrophysiology of the olfactory system in SARS-CoV-2 variants: long Covid-19 study

      P3.32 Dario Melgari (San Donato Milanese)
      Chemoterapeutic agents Bortezomib and Carfilzomib effect on native T-type calcium channels in adult mouse dorsal-root ganglion neurons

      P3.33 Guido Mogni (Bari)
      Impact of Aquaporin-4 aggregation state on GL261 Glioblastoma cell line Invasiveness

      P3.34 Tasnim Mohamed (Milan)
      BDNF-TrkB signalling regulates protein kinase C epsilon and partial EMT-like process in Schwann cells

      P3.35 Maria Mola (Bari)
      Exploring the impact of aquaporin-4 and its aggregation state on neural stem cell behavior

      P3.36 Lala Chaimae Naciri (Milan)
      Automated predictive analysis of taste sensitivity using supervised learning regression: implications for clinical practice and chemosensory assessments

      P3.37 Salvatore Novello (Padua)
      Photobiomodulation enhances mitochondrial activity and alleviates parkinsonian phenotypes

      P3.38 Camilla Paraciani (Groningen, The Netherlands)
      Unlocking ‘lost’ memories: investigating vardenafil as a therapeutic candidate for sleep-deprived memory restoration

      P3.39 Pierantonio Parmiani (Ferrara)
      A behavioral and markerless kinematic study of oral grasping in Rat before and after Infraorbital Nerve severing

      P3.40 Barbara Pavan (Ferrara)
      Eugenol induced dopamine release from neuron-like PC12 cells after its permeation across the physiological brain barriers simulated in a new organ-on-a-chip platform

      P3.41 Amelia Pizzella (Naples)
      Impairment of synaptic plasticity and neuronal morphology in human models of progressive myoclonic epilepsy 1

      P3.42 Rachele Prevostini (San Donato Milanese)
      How ketogenic diet may be beneficial in controlling neuronal excitability?

      P3.43 Erica Priori (Pavia)
      Role of Na+/Ca2+ exchanger NCX in in vitro glioblastoma cell migration

      P3.44 Chiara Ricci (Trieste)
      Electrophysiological characterization of sensory neurons from the human olfactory epithelium

      P3.45 Nicoló Ricciardi (Palermo)
      Reducing visuospatial pseudoneglect in healthy subjects by active video gaming

      P3.46 Alessandra Ritacca (Ancona)
      Molecular dynamics simulations of photosensitive molecules and their interaction with the cell membrane

      P3.47 Anita Maria Rominto (Orbassano, TO)
      Reduced anxiety and resilience to depression induced by deletion of Fgf14, a physiological modulator of voltage-dependent Na+ channels

      P3.48 Agnese Roscioni (Ancona)
      Structural consequences of gain-of-function mutations at the inner gate of Kv7.2 subunits investigated by all-atom molecular dynamics simulations

      P3.49 Cristina Roseti (Varese)
      Excitatory/inhibitory imbalance in Parkinson’s disease LRRK2-associated

      P3.50 Giulio Sancini (Monza)
      The air we breathe, the brain we have

      P3.51 Laura Simone (San Giovanni Rotondo, FG)
      GFAP serves as a structural component in Tunneling Nanotubes-mediated intercellular transfer of mitochondria in Glioblastoma

      P3.52 Diletta Spennato (Bologna)
      Azobenzene photoswitch affects the gating of calcium channels TRP and gap junctions in astrocytes: in vitro and ex-vivo experiments

      P3.53 Chiara Terzo (Florence)
      Pre-saccadic alpha power is related to serial dependence in orientation judgement

      P3.54 Giovanna Trinchese (Naples)
      Mitochondrial metabolism and neuroinflammation in the cerebral cortex and synaptic area of rats: effect of milk intake through DNA methylation

      P3.55 Giulia Urone (Palermo)
      Neuroprotective activity of the new metabotropic glutamate receptor 3 positive allosteric modulator in Parkinson’s disease in vitro and in vivo models

      P3.56 Valeria Vacanti (Catania)
      The lack of α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors cause a dysregulation of glutamate reuptake underlying memory loss

      P3.57 Marina Vitale (Padua)
      Voltage-gated calcium channels and glutamate NMDA receptors are both necessary for initiation of cortical spreading depression

      P3.58 Mohammed Zeroual (Sassari)
      The influence of aging on face expressions processing and recognition

      Physiology of Motor Systems and Exercise

      P4.3 Andrea Ciorciari (Milan)
      Vestibular component of balance is affected by acute sleep impairment